Please carefully read the descriptions and conditions below prior to emailing Dr. Medford about the prospect of joining the group. Due to bandwidth, Dr. Medford may not respond to emails inquiring about positions that are not available.
Graduate Students:
The first step to joining the group is being accepted to the Georgia Tech PhD program. You can apply to the PhD program at the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering using this link. Once you are accepted, you can contact Prof. Medford to discuss currently available projects.
Undergraduate Students:
All undergraduate research in the group occurs through the "Big Data & Quantum Mechanics" vertically integrated project (VIP) course. You can learn more about how to apply for this course through the VIP website and all details about the content of the course are provided through the course Jupyter book. The course tends to fill up very quickly, so please be proactive about applying for a permit through the VIP program as early as possible. Unfortunately, the group does not have the bandwidth to take on undergraduate or high-school interns over the summer, even for fully online internships.
Postdoctoral Scholars:
The Medford group does not currently have any funding for postdoctoral scholars. If you are interested in joining and have independent funding, please contact Prof. Medford.
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”